Tuesday 29 November 2011

After Effects

project work space

new composition menu.

The different video presents are relevant to country and frame rate, the uk uses the PAL settings whereas the USA uses NTSC, the difference between these two are frame rate settings. 
To return to the composition window, click composition settings within the composition window.

Solid layer settings found within the Layer menu.

Zooming into the timeline, use the yellow top slider and the move the whole thing to select specific timeline areas.

2 solid layers

Isolating specific layers within the workshop window

Reducing the timeline tool will help the slider loop back quicker, saves time when dealing with larger timelines.

Selecting all of them then using the shortcut key P to select positioning.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

End of Module Self Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have learned a wide variety of printing techniques and how to use them most effectively within my own design work. The skill of knowing how to set my work up for print has also become very helpful within my project when it comes to saving time and designing something with the knowledge of how it has to be printed. I have used my printing knowledge to select my perfect stocks for image and foil printing to show up my logo's. 

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have now got a clear idea of selecting what type of printing process i want to apply and then designing my work around that process to allow it to print properly. I can also now spot early on in my design process if what colours im using would print out properly or not, i have a much wider understanding about each printing technique and how i need to change my design to suit each. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

A strength for this module for me has been working and editing photography and applying it to my project, this has allowed me to use it as backdrops within my packaging and across my promotional range. Producing logo's and branding has also been a strong point for me its helped me to produce a solid brand for a product which is easily recognisable. The promotional material and posters link in again with my photography but i feel my simple layout was very clear a strength in my work.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I am not very good when it comes to producing packaging, i keep making my products too complex and then in most cases they dont work when i mock them up this wasted a lot of time for me this project. If i produce packaging again i will keep it simple and not try and work across three layers of packaging.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  1. I would try and look at the bigger picture (the range) and not just get too focused on one piece of packaging when i get stuck if i have a lot more to do within the project. This will stop me having to rush the rest of the project and get more crit feedback on my other products.
  2. I would set out enough time to book into screen print so i dont have to design my work last minute to fit digital print. This will allow me to get the initial print finish i was designing for.
  3. Keep my blog up to date as i go along, the critical evaluation i found very helpful especially when i go along, just keeping the images saved on my computer or making notes in my sketchbook doesn't have the same effect as blogging it and talking about it when its most relevant.
  4. Research shops which sell stock well before going into the city and trying to find them only to realise they dont do the sizes i need. This would save me a lot of time.
  5. I would do a lot more context research, this has been very helpful when i got stuck within my development process.
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 3
Qauntity of work produced: 3
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group: 4

Poster Gloss Print

This is the poster printed on a glossy stock just using my standard printer from home, but you can instantly see the quality of the print is improved and you can pick up more detail within the photos.

Monday 21 November 2011

Final Posters

These are my final posters, the stock i selected is thick and uncoated so not ideal for printing image onto especially if its the focal point. Printing posters onto Coated stock is expensive but it would of given me a far greater quality print, if i had tons of money i would like to experiment and reprint my series all on gloss. 

Final Flyers


Foil blocked back

Digital print back

I much prefer the foil blocked backing to my flyers it gives a good shine against the black stock. If i had more time i would definitely of screen printed my flyers with white on black stock then foil printed just the logo on the back. The front of the flyer would also of come out much better on duotone screen print.

Final Packaging

This is my final series of Packaging for my 3 Frisbee Sports.

Outside and inside slide cover to hold the frisbee

Back informs about the sport  

Personally i am not very happy with my packaging, i feel that if i had more time i could probably of fixed it or developed it further but i have found within this project that packaging is not my strongest point as a designer. The type on the front is still too light and the text is hard to read, a darker bigger shadow backdrop needs to go around the text to make it more obvious. The inside of the packaging also doesnt feel completed, a backdrop or really light pattern of the image should be put on there to break it up. I am fairly happy with the back of the packaging the type plays well off the image. The stock i used is also a bit thin and cracks around the folding edges.

Packaging Development

Final package development, i quickly printed out a couple of what i though were final versions of my packaging and realised a few things were illegible on print which was legible on screen. I used the darkest poster to test my type legibility.

The text inside the black rectangles wasnt clear enough the dark image made the text mix in with the black box too much and was hard to read. i decided to lay the text out white against the image to see if this would work.

It did. but now the titles seemed really heavily weighted with the black boxes, so i decided to change this and make the text white as well, leaving all the information on the back uniform.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Sketchbook 1 ISSUU

Mainly summer work and concept development this sketchbook kind of starts off slow due to all the amount of work which we got set in the first few weeks so its a bit all over the shop but i have put post it notes on the important bits.

Scetchbook 2 Issuu version.

This is my scetchbook which has the majority of my packaging/image/poster/leaflet/flyer and other development including concept development and idea's

Saturday 19 November 2011

Frisbee Designs

Some quick simple frisbee designs, i printed the logo onto Vinyl stickers to them stick onto the actual frisbee's. If i had more time i would of like to experiment with the various types of logo versions i have produced and stick them across a range of coloured frisbee's. 

Foil Printing on Leaflets

Foiling brings out the logo really well on black stock, the shiny foil makes it an instant focal point and gives the logo a kind of corporate characteristic. This foiling gave me an idea to produce a limited addition packaging for a frisbee which will include a lot of gold and silver foiling. If i have enough time.

The leaflets were designed for screen print but i ended up not having enough time to cut a screen and get it printed, with the design being white text on black stock it wouldn't be able to come out in the digital print, i really wanted to use the black stock as it would make the image on the other side of the flyer the main focal point.

I decided to experiment by foiling the back of the flyers, i already knew that foil came up very well on black stock so i used colour coded foiling which would represent each sport. The blue flyer didnt come out as well as the others, some of the foiling didnt peal off properly but their all still fully legible and shiny.

Leaflets development

Posters Posters Posters

Woops... forgot to set the printer to Extra heavy for my stock weight. Because not enough ink was printed onto the stock it produced a streaky ripped effect on my page wherever its really darnk the ink didnt come out very well. This is the complete opposite effect i was trying to achieve. On uncoated paper the quality of the image goes down already and then with a limited amount of ink it only gets worse.

I want to print some versions of my posters on glossy coated stock that way i will get a better more bright finish, as the focal point of my poster is the title and the image coated seems like a good idea but in reality it would be far too expensive to print posters on coated paper. 

Posters development

After editing my Photos i started to apply some of my design work on them. I decided to add the Logo, sport name, a description of the sport and the frisbee used to play it and where you can play it.  

Some of the poster layouts and some idea's for the back of them but i have decided not to print on the back and just keep it conventional. 

Typeface for title felt too thin and laying it out on the top left didnt feel right. I also started using the logo to try and break up the posters a bit.

I prefer how the type sits in the middle which makes the main focus on the actual game title and the image. the logo at the bottom breaks it up as well a bit, the only problem is adding in the 2 paragraphs of type.

Some colour variations to see if i can break up the white text a bit, it feels slightly flat and like it needs something added to it or a colour change. 

A quick print out to have a lot what it would look like off the screen showed me that first of all my logo was off centre and too big. It also made it very clear that i needed to add more content on the poster as it felt like a large flyer with bad spacing. 

Playing around with where i can place the paragraphs and logo with the title still in the middle. The bottom of the poster with the logo next to it seemed the most appropriate, that way the main focal point is the image which will draw people in and then focus on the rest.

Logo is too small and the text just feels too blocky and needs to be broken up a bit more.

Getting somewhere, the white still seems like too much but the paragraphs have now been broken up a bit better i can move on and try and break up the white.

The bottom line of the poster will all the text and logo sits well together. I have broken up the information into 3 paragraphs each 5 or 6 words long so it doesn't look like too much to read.

This is a final template for my posters, i felt like this worked the best as the main focus is on the title and image the two things i want my audience to focus on first. The logo is subtle but directs attention to the bottom paragraphs which then informs about the sport.

Final Crit

Image photoshop Editing

The images i was using was shot in RAW settings so they were rather on the large side of things, this allowed me a lot of space to play around and edit.

1. First i put them all to black and white to allow a single colour overlay (the series of colours for my packaging).

2. I cropped the specific parts of the photos i wanted to use keeping in mind that this section had to communicate the message i was trying to send as best the image could.

3. I put a gradient across them to break up the image a bit and to make it look slightly better.

4. I then experimented with spot colour overlays, producing a nice duotone image with the black and spot colour overlay. 


When selecting my colour overlay i made VERY sure that it was in the CMYK spectrum of colours so that i would get pretty much what was on screen printed out (hopefully). 

Making sure they work within a series.