Monday 23 May 2011

3rd and final book redesign

After looking back at the brief and my concept boards i finally realised what i had to do. I basically just kept the dimensions and the content from the last book and basically changed everything. I decided to break up all the content from the book into different sections, the first book was already over crowded with information and it felt like there was too much for just one book. So i broke it up into Facts, Opinions and Reviews. I also colour coded each section with the colours i had from the 2nd book. This gave me 3 books with small bite sized amount of information you can quickly browse through.

My stock decision was based the idea that because i wasn't filling the paper with a lot of content white paper would make it stand out as obvious, i found that using off-white or antique white stock it breaks up the content and makes it feel less harsh against the images or the bold text.

There were some printing errors with the double sided printing but by extending the bleed i could fix the white lines on the bottom of my cover page.

everything laid out and semi cut to size.... really really really enjoy the colour scheme seems to fit together nicely. This colour scheme has and style of design gives a much happier and welcoming image which fits far better then my first initial range of brown colours.

Because i didnt strickly work off a grid it made my layout very unstructured which was pretty much the exact opposite to the last book, it gave the book a more light hearted and playful look about it. 

The style of layout is found throughout the three books with simular colour schemes and point sizes ect. 

There were a few spelling errors and printing errors but i got some friends to read through and circle out all the mistakes for me to fix. The book seems far more appropriate for the audience and now i can start developing a distribution package for the freshers.

The idea of why the books have been split up in 3 is basically the first years can choose which book to browse through at the appropriate time, for instance if they're in a hurry they can quickly pick a cafe from the reviews, but if they want to see what worked best for us they can look at opinions and if they wanted to know any handy facts the Facts book is helpful for those things which takes months to find out on your own.

a quick first evalaution upon print out, small changes had to be made for the 2nd batch to come out more accurately. for example some of the lines and titles had to be moves so it lined up properly or some of the text boxes were more visibly not lined up on the double pages.

These are the finished illustrator layouts, i decided to do it in illustrator cause im the most comfortable with this software and as i was making everything from scratch it seemed the most logical to be using. I didn't save any screen shots from initially building these books but all it needed to look completely different was a major font change, colour change and the using the direct selection tool a bit of reshaping and before you know it you have a completely different looking book. 

Printing and all its problems... Because i wasn't printing in Indesign i basically just referenced my booklet i looked at as research, took it apart and then numbered its pages. From those references i numbered my pages in illustrator and overlayed the double pages using 2 layers. Thankfully my kodak printer in my room seems to line up double sided printing as well as the printers in the digital dungeon so after some trial and error i got it accurate within a millimeter or 2.

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