Monday 9 January 2012

Drop 3

This was the last animation i made and i wanted to make it a bit more playful and just really experiment with individual movement of the letters trying to make the movements as lifelike as possible. This turned out to be much harder then i thought but it did teach me a lot about pace and timeline. Getting movements spot on with realistic pace was a bit of a challenge.

An idea of my layering and keyframes throughout the animation. I would key frame the beginning of each layer with everything i "might" use by doing this it allows me to edit something down the line without ruining the entire animation. It also stops a problem i find in AE which is that it just makes some of my keyframes disappear half way through my animation this might be due to my inexperience on the software but just keyframing everything at the start seems to of stopped this happening. 

The D had to drop down on the axis of the ruler line i put down but for me to do this i had to keyframe the Ancorpoint at the bottom of the letter, this would give it a realistic pivot across the bottom of the letter. 

Problem was then after i had moved the centre point of the letter i had to put it back in the middle to make the falling and rotation of the letter around the middle point this was crudely done but just moving the D back in position after moving the ancor point. When u move the ancor point it automatically moves the rest of the letter in relationship to that so it causes a bit of problem when trying to line up the animation properly.

Z axis is sexy, probably my favourite tool in AE. Creating the idea of depth makes animations far more interesting. 

End result. its off centre but i like it, the depth makes the animation more interesting aswell.

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